Turkishtime Magazine "R&D 250" List
T.R. by Turkishtime magazine. We became the 95th company with the highest R&D expenditure in Turkey in the "R&D 250" list, which is prepared every year for the R&D centers affiliated with the Ministry of Industry and Technology and in which we have been included since 2019. In the research, where brands such as Ford, Tofaş, Isuzu and Otokar were among the top 94 companies, we ranked 9th in the Automotive Supply Industry category and 2nd among Body Parts Manufacturers. We are ranked 40th in the number of R&D projects carried out in 2022 in the list where various evaluations are made based on the number of R&D projects, number of employees employed, employment of female employees, number of employees with master's and doctorate degrees, national patent, design registration, trademark and utility model categories. We rank 45th in terms of the number of utility models purchased in the same year. We will continue to carry out our R&D studies in line with our sustainable, environmentally and nature-friendly corporate responsibilities, which enable us to be one step ahead in directing the future.